Rahkar Tejarat Paya Co., experienced in Customs clearance, helps you to clear your goods from Shahriyar Customs Office with the lowest price and without any delay. It is one of the important gateways of the country in the field of commerce, with trade links with most countries around the world. It is one of the most active customs in the country. This customs office is located 7 km from the old Karaj road. The exact address is the end of Beheshti Street. In general, Tehran Customs has four sections. These customs are:
- West
- Imam Khomeini Airport
- Shahriar
- Post
Benefits Of Shahriar Clearance
- One of the reasons that this Customs is widely used is the large storage space for unloading and loading goods.
- Another advantage of this Customs is that it is equipped with an intelligent fire extinguishing system
- The rail network has made it very easy for freight to be transported in the customs
- Clearance at Shahriar Customs is done quickly and easily
- Customs is close to the country’s capital, Tehran.
- The proximity of Shahriar customs to Mehrabad and Imam Khomeini airports makes it easier to transport goods from these airports.
- This Customs has goods protection standards
- A good location
- The large docks have helped to make the customs active
- Advanced machinery for moving goods
- Large warehouses for storing goods
- Professional and expert personnel in all its sectors

Shahriar Customs Areas
- The first area of this customs office is the Deputy of Import and Transit of Goods, whose other name was Shahriar Customs in the past. The customs office deals with transit, import, and customs formalities.
- The other area is for exhibition and export affairs. Customs other name was West in the past.
- The third area is called Legal Aid, formerly known as South Customs. This section deals with the legal issues of trafficking cases.
- Exhibition Affairs is the last area of Shahriar Customs which was named Exhibition Customs in the past. Temporary entry of exhibition goods is examined in this specialized customs office of the country.

Shahriar Customs Clearance Steps
Clearance is a time-consuming and specialized process that we have briefly described in the following. You can save time and money with the help of specialist forces. These steps are:
- Set up a EPL statement
- Arrangement and documentation such as the Packing List Invoice, Manifest and Health Certificate
- bill payment
- get a clearance license
- Registering on the site and uploading documents including certificate of origin and prophetic justice declaration
- Entry Manifest Registration and Customs Payment
- Expert guidance on determination of the right path which has been demonstrated in the following three colors
- Red: Assessment
- Yellow: Expert File
- Green: Loading Box
The necessary licenses for Shahriar customs clearance
- Next, we will get the necessary licenses
- Then, we complete payment affairs.
- Next, we can obtain an electronic license
- Obtaining a license for loading and clearance
- At this point, we will bring the license with us to the customs office
- According to our information, we are given warehouse ID and machine ID
- The goods are then shipped to the exit gateway
- The information expert matches it with the information in his or her possession
- The clearance license is finally granted
- Once the goods have been loaded, the invoice is delivered to us, and at this time, whatever happens to our goods is our responsibility.

Difference between Evaluator and expert
We are dealing with two people in the field of customs clearance; evaluator and expert. The following are the differences between the two.
- The Evaluator is concerned with what our product is and whether it corresponds to the information we provide.
- The expert performs the registration for final approval.
We only enter the payment affairs when the expert orders it.
Required Documents for Shahriar Customs Clearance
Clearance always requires submission of a series of documents, as follows:
- The warehouse receipt, two-sided
- manifest
- Bill of lading
- Clearance
- Electronic clearance
- Electronic Warehouse receipt
- In some cases, release
- Packing list
- Certificate of Origin

Shahriar Customs Clearance by Rahkar Tejarat Paya Co.
with over 17 years experience and having specialized personnel in all fields of business and export of goods, Our company also ensures you to clear your goods in the shortest possible time and without extra costs. Our company also specializes in Bushehr customs clearance. Rahkar Tejarat Paya Co. has been able to transform into a reputable brand in the business field by accelerating its executive affairs and long history in customer confidence. If you intend to import or clear goods from this Customs, just contact us to give you the best advice and then safely leave us with your business.