Rahkar Tejarat Paya is a professional Company in importing goods through land, sea, and air. Now that import licensing is a challenging or impossible task, our advantage over other companies is that we are able to obtain licenses and import to the country.
The first step in importing goods: Analysis
In this step, we analyze the goods that you have decided to import. Then we present you some of the analysis. Product analysis includes the following steps:
- Finding the entry of the goods or the relevant import duty
- licenses required for goods registration and clearance orders, including health, standards, quarantine standards, as well as required permits and licenses from the environment and natural resources Organization, the Department of Defense , etc..
- Value of goods according to the IDs in the Value Panel
- Brand type (to check the value of goods in the value system)
- Country of origin
- Taxes due to the type of goods
- The need or lack of need to register a value ID in the value system if tariff is required
- Some tariffs on the system require an ID for registration in the Declaration .
- They need to be registered if there is no ID in the value system according to the type of goods.
- eventually, the customer must confirm the analysis. after the customer confirmation, we begin the process of importing the desired goods.

Types of imports
importing goods is conducted in two ways:
- The goods are imported directly through land, air or sea from Iran. This model for import includes goods that are produced by companies not included in sanctions and can be directly sent to Iran.
- The goods are not allowed to be directly imported to Iran because of the sanctions against Iran. These companies are based in European countries, China, Korea and so on.
Rahkar Tejarat Paya Company has another branch in Dubai that makes it possible for you to import your goods from the above countries. In this case, first the intended goods is included in the bill of lading with the name our company in Dubai. With our coordination, it enters Jebel Ali UAE and then cleared. Eventually, it is unloaded from the transit and shipped to another transit in the name of the Islamic Republic f Iran.
Customers’ Demand in Importing Goods
Due to the sanctions, some people cannot buy and import their goods from other countries. These customers are also divided into two groups:
- The first group knows its goods and the type of brand and only not able to buy and import the goods into Iran.
- The second group only knows the type of goods they want to import into Iran and is unaware of the type of brands and countries that produce the goods.
For example, to give an example of the first group, it can be noted that the client will be present in our office according to the earlier schedule. According to the description provided, we find out goods, quality, brand and country of the manufacturer of the good that the customer wants to buy.
Import communications
In order to import goods, in general, the Rahkar Tejarat Paya company operates in three ways.
- Air: due to the fact that air imports are very expensive, This is mainly used for emergency and low volume cases.
- Land: due to the fact that low-cost goods are imported from Europe through the land to Bazargan Customs and then transported to our customer’s warehouse by our vehicles.
- Sea: We do this type of import in three ways. This type of import is suitable for countries that have sea routes to our country and the import is conducted by barge, ship and, scow and lighterage depending on the volume of goods they import into our country.
Purchasing from Manufacturing Sources
In order to import the customer’s goods (for example, available in China), we first Inquire Price from the Chinese cargo. Then we provide a proforma invoice. This proforma invoice includes:
- Cost of goods purchased
- Shipping costs to Dubai
- Shipping costs from Dubai to Bushehr
- Licensing costs
- Clearance costs
- Freight costs from customs to the customer’s warehouse and…
We provide A to Z costs to the customer. After the customer’s confirmation, the process of purchasing and then clearing goods will begin. For customs clearance, Rahkar Tejarat Paya Co. operates in several ways. Considering the stage of import designated by the customer to us, we consider a specific process. The detailed explanation of clearance steps is provided as follows:
Shipping purchased goods
A person purchases the desired product from the country of the manufacturer and imports the goods in the following ways:
- Importing goods through sea to the ports of the country.
- The goods are shipped by air to all Iranian airports with cargo.
- Goods purchased from European countries enter the country via the Bazargan customs through the land.
Now, we explain what steps should be taken by the customer for clearance.

Obtaining an import license from the Department of Commerce
At this stage of clearance, we must first obtain the relevant license from the Department of commerce. The licensing process is one of the most important steps. Before taking any actions, you must ensure that the license is issued by the Department of Commerce. The steps are as follows:
- First, you need to register a product proforma invoice at www.ntsw.ir
- Then, obtain a license from the Department of Commerce.
At this stage, we are licensed by the Commercial Card (Permit) of the importer company.
Investigating the requested goods license
In the next stage of customs clearance, we first need to examine the prohibition on imports of the intended goods. For this investigation, we ask the customer to provide us the HS code (a standardization system for product classification and identification). The customer may not be aware of this code or the seller may not provide the tariff code. We can find this code for your goods. Then we start the licensing process according to the packing list (details of the cargo including volume, weight, so on.) and the invoice we receive from the customer. If the goods were not prohibited, we examine the prices according to the tariff. Price examination includes:
- Value of goods
- Entry (import duty) according to the tariff
Estimation of the cost of clearance
We find the relevant entry of the goods or the relevant import duty. Customs duties are defined as the percentage of the total value of the invoice taken from the owner of the goods according to the amount set by the Ministry of Mines, Industry, and Commerce, which is modified at the beginning of each year. We obtain the value of the goods in the TSC system. This system is declared by the value and customs department and its purpose is to examine the value of the intended product according to the country of the manufacturer and the brand. Here we determine the cost of the customer’s packing, for example, with 30 CBM volume and 100kg weight with the specified invoice, i.e.:
- How much customs duty does importing the goods involve?
- How much is the cost of a commercial bill according to the value of the invoice?
- How much is the freight cost to the customer’s desired warehouse? (depending on the container volume)
- What permissions are required?
- What additional costs (shipping, warehousing according to the date of entry, so on.) are included?
After investigating all the above items, we inform the customer about the final price. If confirmed, we can get started. Rahkar Tejarat Paya Co. also imports goods from Dubai.

Issuance of Bill of Lading (BL)
A bill of lading is a document that is of great importance, especially when claiming insurance coverage. A bill of lading is a document that cannot be transferred to another person and indicates ownership of the good (Document of title). The contents of the bill of lading include:
- seller of goods
- Container dimensions and gross weight (including the weight of goods and packaging)
- Container number
- Number of packages available per container
- Date of departure from the country of origin
- Owner and shipping specifications
- Also, the origin and destination of the goods
Given that during the process of importation of goods, any amendment to the bill of lading needs to be done at the country of origin, one should be careful when entering the information in the bill of lading. For the customs clearance process, after the customer’s confirmation, a BL is issued for the import and is delivered to us.
Negotiable Warehouse Receipts (N.W.R)
After the goods are loaded in the customs, they must be unloaded prior to delivery to the warehouse. This happens in two ways:
- The product is lightweight and can be unloaded in the warehouse.
- The goods are overweight and are dumped in the enclosure with the container.
Warehouse Receipt is issued after importing, unloading and matching. This Receipt contains the following information:
- Name of the owner
- Product Type
- Packing
- Number of packages
- The exact date of delivery and unloading
- Container number and size
- Original BL number
- Customs duty
- Gross weight and…

Customs Declaration and registration
Now, we login on the customs website (EPL.IRICA.IR) for importing the goods after obtaining a license from the Department of Commerce. Then we register the customs declaration of the intended goods. The steps are as follows:
- In order to start clearance, after inserting the information and uploading the documents, we need to receive the registration code Declaration.
- after the final confirmation of the registration, we also need to pay the customs duty. The declaration is then sent to the Customs database.
- Depending on the good, if goods need to be evaluated, which is called the red path, they are evaluated by the assessor at the customs and the assessor verifies the specifications of the goods and submits in declaration messages and sends it to the expert.
- The corresponding customs expert examines the import declaration and informs us using the system. If it needs to be corrected, He informs us through the Declaration message.
This process continues until a confirmation is received and the Declaration is sent to the next step.
Obtaining the required import licenses
After the customs clearance and after we sent the customs declaration and received the registration, Depending on the goods, there is a set of required licenses. For example, importing foods requires a health certificate. Other licenses include:
- Standard
- Quarantine
- nature
- Department of Defense
- environment and …

The final step of loading
After obtaining complete confirmation of the customs expert, we should obtain the required Certificate of loading. With the customs certificate given by the customs system, we go to the customs office in person. After receiving the Certificate of loading, the goods are loaded and sent to the customs exit gates. The prerequisites to obtaining a customs permit are:
- Expert confirmation
- Obtaining the required permissions
- Provisional payment of taxes set by the system
This is where the expert in exit gates checks the declaration procedures and allows the goods to exit. customs Clearance ends at this stage. Rahkar Tejarat Paya Company At any stage such as purchasing, shipping, or clearance, If you want to buy and import goods to Iran, you can contact us through the “Contact Us” section on our website and completely leave your work to us.